How to use instagram for business


Here’s how to effectively use Instagram for business.


In a world of multiplatform overload, how do you choose what’s good for your business?  There’s one platform that all businesses & brands should be on. Instagram for business is truly important at this day in age.  Don’t get left behind the sooner you jump on the further along your biz game gets!

In 2010, Instagram was just another social site much like the rest.  Fast forward to 2014/15 and the rise of influencers takes over Instagram.  Now, let’s add IGTV, stories, highlights, live, direct messaging, video conferencing, and the perfectly staged feed.  Instagram is much more than a social network in 2018. You have the power to visually market and succeed with an Instagram for business strategy.


Instagram is highly visual.  

It’s complete storytelling through pictures.  I truly must emphasize that the current trend in social media marketing is visual.  So what’s stopping you from crushing it?

  • First, let’s focus on increasing followers. Followers increase credibility in relation to the company or brand.  
  • Focus on highly visual content. Visual images dominate feeds and performance compared to text-heavy images that tend to severely underperform.

Here are five uses of Instagram for business, that will convince you to get started right now!

1.Build your Brand:

On Instagram, your target audience is your current customer base. However, depending on whether your business is fairly new or is the pre-launch stage; Instagram can grow an audience when there are no existing clients.  Here businesses can reach prospects through industry-specific search or interest specific hashtags. Interest-specific hashtags are hashtags by specific groups of people. For example, businesses in the skincare industry looking for prospects would use hashtags such as #slincareroutine, #skincasreregimen, #skinhydration, and #organicskincare.

2.Brand Awareness:

As mentioned before, Instagram is used to target current customers and convert them into followers.  In the case of brand awareness, you want your customers to follow you as they can introduce your brand to their followers.  Followers of your followers become a secondary target audience for businesses. Continue to focus on increasing followers and targeting their followers to your customers.

3.Create influence:  

As you continue to increase familiarity your business/brand should on.  To create influence continue to create consistent, on brand, rock solid content.  Engagement is also crucial to creating influence. You can connect with your clients, prospects, and influencers on Instagram.  Also look at what your competitor’s clients are talking about and their questions to gain authoritative influence. With that said…

4.Be the information resource for clients:  

Providing value for consumers increases your brand’s visibility and influence.  As you provide value you position your business as a resource. Create value for your followers on Instagram by answering questions, provide updates on your brand products or services, and tell your business story.


Whether your business sells products or services selling them on Instagram is a must.  Did you know that Instagram influences 75% of purchase decisions?  I myself make purchases while browsing the app, not to mention purchasing based on influencers.  One of my friends is a lifestyle and fashion influencer, Lula Vibes, She was on a beach vacation and happened to post a picture on her feed with a beautifully crafted straw handbag.  I just had to have it, so I followed the handbag brand, commented on her feed, and placed my order via direct message. If the other uses of Instagram for Business have not persuaded you yet, e-commerce should.

Selling is easy on Instagram.

So what are you waiting for?  Go get your Instagram for business started!  Instagram users have the highest brand engagement than any other platform.  If you thought you could omit Instagram from your social media strategy you are wrong.  

Instagram has so many tools at the disposal of any business, why not use them all.  Don’t be afraid of getting lost in the see of users. In the next few weeks, I will be continuing this series and give you the insta hacks you need to stand out and get discovered.  For now, consider this, what do you want your Instagram feed to look like?

You have homework this week.  

Go look at your competitors, and also pages of other brands and influencers.  Write down what you like and start screenshotting those images that would represent your brand constructs.

Comment below with your business industry and accounts on Instagram that you feel most represent your business.

Now that you are all convinced make sure to come back next week and continue the Instagram for business series.

~~~J Franco