Stop Idolizing Influencers Now!

Stop Idolizing Influencers Now!


Idolizing influencers has become the norm.  

I’ve got a few things to say about idolizing influencers.  Seems like everyone can’t make a decision unless they have heard an influencer approved it.  Then there are those that take influencer lifestyle and make it their own mantra to live by. Here’s where the problem lies.

I’m obsessed with podcasts and listening to my favorite influencers.  I had a long drive ahead of me last Wednesday and I was running through my usual favorite podcasts.  Up next was one of my favorite influencers with another of my favorite influencers as a guest. What’s your favorite podcast?  I’m always in search of some good listening time while driving. Make sure to drop in the comments what is your favorite podcast.  


I got really into this podcast because its an interview with an influencer I follow.  I’m not one to be idolizing influencers but I was so excited because this guest is one of my favorites.

She’s sharing about her most successful year yet.  It’s getting good and I’m listening intently trying to learn what she does that creates micro successes on her road to her personal success.  Then it happened! The moment that I realized I needed to stop idolizing influencers… specifically her.

At this point, I understood that it’s ok to look up to others but not idolize them.  When you look up to someone you want to model certain behaviors after theirs so that you can achieve personal growth.  I did a study in grad school based on Albert Bandura’s on social cognitive theory (SCT). SCT says that we learn based on our experiences and behaviors we observe.  Therefore, if you follow influencers who have certain behavioral traits we too will learn through observation.


But, Idolizing influencers may be detrimental to both your personal and business growth if the behaviors are not aligned with your core values.

As I continued to listen to the influencer speak about her constant engagement with life coaches, therapist, hypnotherapists, intuitive coaches and testing anything that gives her a nugget of inspiration or insight through tarot readings and psychics, I start to realize she doesn’t fit my core values.  Then she went on to say “if they tell you something enlightening or interesting then it’s totally worth it to learn something new about yourself.” Well, the problem with that is that she’s constantly chasing a high rather than self-actualizing her purpose.

She’s not living with a purpose she’s living for a moment or a thrill.  How can you run your business chasing one thrill after the next?

See it’s ok to look up to people.  I know my pastor, as well as Gary Vee and other great influencers, are always saying you are a product of the five people you spend your time with.  That we need to surround ourselves with others more successful so that we learn from them.

“If you want to fly with the eagles you have to stop hanging out with the turkeys” ~ TD Jakes

That also means you have to be careful who you choose to admire and model after.  Many of you are on this entrepreneurial journey because you have felt a strong purpose in your life.  Whether its a product, a service, or serving as yourself, is a by-product of your purpose should be the reason why you hustle.  Your product, service, or yourself should not be in search of the next enlightenment as its purpose.

Here are three tips to add value to your life through influencers and those you look up to.

idolizing influencers will not increase your prupose


  1. Make sure that their values align with your core values.  For example, my values are integrity, faith, authenticity, and creativity.
  2. Your passion and your daily action equal to your purpose.  Don’t emulate your purpose with the purpose of others. Find what you are truly passionate about and put it in action.
  3. Make sure that you do not attach the value or worth of the cause to the individual you esteem.  If you are passionate about the same value or purpose as an influencer then that’s ok but don’t just don’t increase the influencers value based on the purpose.


I leave you with this…become the best self you can be and focus on achieving your true potential.  It’s okay to fear the unknown as well as, not have to know everything. The keys to success are only yours for the taking if you focus on your purpose, not on enlightenment.  To have a better fulfilling business aim to align your purpose with your core values. Furthermore, surround yourself with others that are on the same journey. But don’t ever forget to enjoy this journey we are on because it’s predestined.  “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph. 2:10 (NIV).

Drop a comment below and share with me what’s your purpose for your business or yourself!  What are the values you look for in influencers you admire?