How To Develop A Gratitude Mindset 30 Day Challenge

How To Develop A Gratitude Mindset 30 Day Challenge


A gratitude mindset cultivates buoyancy by focusing on what is present.

A constant state of gratitude builds confidence and hopefulness.  We just finished celebrating Thanksgiving and why to remain in a Thanksgiving state of mind year-round.  However, gratitude may not come easily to some.  We often believe gratitude is reserved for only those monumental moments in our life.  

As entrepreneurs, we must develop a constant gratitude mindset.  This mindset allows us to enjoy each moment of our entrepreneurial journey.   A state of constant presence experiencing each moment, whether it’s a struggle or a climb gives you control over your life.

We are only a few weeks away from the end of the year it has gone by so fast.  I’m sure you’re hearing it everywhere, but it just seems like I woke up and the first quarter came and went followed by each consequent quarter.  I cannot believe it’s gone so fast.  As a result, I really wanted to talk to you about gratitude.

I think that it is something that’s very important for entrepreneurs and it’s really important that entrepreneurs develop a gratitude mindset.  I’ve been hearing and I’m sure you’ve also heard that gratitude influences your attitude and that your attitude also attracts what you want in your life.

If you’re running around stressed, going nuts, and feeling burnout which I’ve been feeling for the last two weeks.  I’ve been feeling a little bit of burnout. But, I decided to go back into some habits that I really love to do on a daily basis, and throughout the day that just gives me little nuggets of happiness throughout the day.  

It’s all about gratitude.  

Having A Gratitude Mindset is…

Just being grateful that I’m presently being grateful for everything that I have so far on this journey.  It’s been a couple of years that I’ve been embarked on my business. Yet, I have learned so much this year. I am mind blown with how much I’ve learned since finishing school.  

I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have and for being present and in the moment at school and now that I starting my agency I have so much to be grateful for.

If you find yourself as an entrepreneur where you feel burnout or you’re starting to feel a little overwhelmed and letting the stressors of everyday business get to you there is a strategy to get you back on a full tank of gas.  

Your mood and productivity it’s so important and rely on an endless stream of spiritual gas.  That’s where a gratitude mindset comes in. It allows you to be in a state of a constant refuel.

How To Develop A Gratitude Mindset blog3

Three Ways A Gratitude Mindset Helps

When you develop a gratitude mindset from the beginning and are grateful for everything that has been given to you on your entrepreneurial journey your productivity increases.  

If you falter from being grateful you’ll start to let the negative things fill your mind instead of filling yourself with positivity, gratitude, and gratefulness.

One of the reasons why a gratitude mindset is so important is because it relieves stress.  Yes, it’s a huge stress reliever.  If you continue to consume and think of things of gratitude, gratefulness, mindfulness, and happy positive things it just relieves stress. 

Then you can go on to overcome those negative things by tossing them out of your thought because there’s no room for negativity in your life anymore.  There’s no room to feel stress or let other things follow you when you’re in a constant state of gratitude.

The next thing is that it helps you keep you focused.  When you think about what you’re really grateful for then you are aware of the things that are coming into your life and taking root in your life.  You are aware of the opportunities as well as everything going on around you.

A gratitude mindset also energizes you.  Gratitude gives you this euphoric sense of energy that makes you want to continue throughout your day, all day long being grateful for everything that you encounter.  Because this energy sparks positivity.

Feeling burnt out, stressed out?  More than likely it’s because you’re surrounded by a lot of negative things or a lot of negative thoughts.  Therefore, weed them all out because all the good things, all the positivity, and all that gratefulness will actually start to re-energize you.  

Just when you think that you’re about to fail or when you think that you’re about to falter and say okay I’m done being an entrepreneur think back upon the reason why you want to be an entrepreneur.  Why did you want to run your own business? Moreover, start to remember and let that beautiful thought take that root again and reblossom inside of you.

Oh yeah, it’s that feeling!

As for me, I’m in this because I want to give to others.  I truly want to serve others. Thinking of your “WHY” starts filling your heart and re-energizing you so that you can continue to sprint.  Because remember it’s a sprint, not a marathon.

You go through periods of sprints.  Slow down. Rest. Sprint again. It’s a long journey ahead before you get to the goals that you want to achieve in your entrepreneurial journey.  Keep in mind that resting is very important, so be grateful for the time of rest.

A gratitude mindset also empowers you to give to others.

I am one of those people that I love to pour myself into others.  I love to give to others. 

If you’re not constantly re-energizing yourself or repositioning yourself by being in a gratitude mindset, you have no power to give to others.  You have nothing to offer others.  Gratefulness empowers you to share moments with others and inspire others.

Remember, gratitude is important because it relieves stress, helps you focus, energizes you, and empowers you.

4 Ways To Develop A Gratitude Mindset

Develop A Gratitude Mindset #1 Write It Out

I’m sure you’ve already heard that you know you need to keep a journal keep a journal.  However, writing them down heightens awareness of all the things to be grateful for.

Develop A Gratitude Mindset #2 Practice Mindfulness

Another way to practice gratitude is through mindfulness.  Mindfulness is one method that I practice.

Are you being mindful of others and being mindful of the things that others do for you.  Thinking of what others do for you develops a gratitude mindset. It puts you in a state of awareness.

Develop A Gratitude Mindset #3 Pray

I am not religious but I am a believer and practice gratitude through prayer.  Practicing gratitude through prayer puts you in a constant state of thanking God or whoever/whatever you believe in.

Constantly being in the state of prayer thanking God or the universe for what it brings to you is such a great state. 

Nevertheless, to be able to say thank you and I’m gonna use myself as an example

“thank you Lord for this moment thank you for this laughter thank you for this joy thank you because I get to experience this”

Develop A Gratitude Mindset #4 Look Back At Times Of Trouble 

Of the four practices, this one is my favorite.  This is the one that I really really use the most because I reap great benefits by using this practice. 

I find that when I contemplate my past struggles realize I am no longer there and grateful for surpassing that low or difficult moment in my life.  

I contemplate all the things that I went through when I was younger and even recently those things that have happened in my life.  

Those struggles.  Those hard times.  I remember how I came out of it and I think about how God’s grace and his mercy and his goodness has kind of taken me from glory to glory to glory.  

I want to remind you that if you ever feel that you have nothing to be grateful for, think about the time where you struggled in your life or going through a hard time.  

Think about a time where you felt you were a rock bottom.  Then, think of how you came out and came through it.  Now think about where you are now and be grateful and have that gratitude mindset.

Just realizing you came out of that dark moment is an opportunity to be ever grateful. As entrepreneurs practice being grateful for your business bank account.  Money coming in today. 

Having clients on a regular basis.  Receiving payments. Making a sale.  Closing a new deal.  Don’t forget to be grateful for the people that help level up your business and all the connections you’ve made.

Attracting endless abundance ad keeping a gratitude mindset means, that you’re attracting those leads that you’re wanting in life you’re attracting the leads that you want for your business.

Gratitude keeps you focused, centered, relieves stress, and empowers you.  Keeping a gratitude mindset attracts endless abundance.  To make it easy for you to develop a gratitude mindset I created a 30-day challenge.

30 Days of Gratitude For Entrepreneurs

It’s a pdf calendar with 30 days of gratitude prompts for entrepreneurs.  Also, make sure to watch the video. I get vulnerable and deep regarding practice #4. 

Please let me know if you take on this challenge in the comments below.  I want to let you know I am grateful that you took the time to read this post.  

Which practice resonated with you?  How will you be practicing gratitude? 

If you started the challenge when the video was released let me know what day of gratitude you are on and how is this challenge helping you.