Hashtags on social media are a must!
But are you using them effectively? Oh, the ubiquitous Hashtag. The hashtag has taken over every social media platform including offline communication. I’m sure you’ve used hashtags even in your colloquial speaking. #ijustcant Anyone can make a hashtag a hashtag by putting the # symbol in front of it. But, are you using them correctly to benefit your social media efforts. However, hashtags on social media have a specific cadence to follow.
The biggest mistake I see people make is not respecting the unspoken hashtag rules of each platform.
Stop treating hashtags as pop culture or for the sake of tagging. Use hashtags on social media strategically the way they are meant to be used per social platform.

How To Use Twitter Hashtags
Twitter is the original hashtag platform. Yet, there still are people not working the hashtag correctly. Keep these tips in mind when hashtagging on Twitter.
Optimal number of hashtags to use: 1-2
Technically, you can use as many hashtags as you like in a Tweet, within the 280-character limit. But Twitter recommends using no more than two.
Where to use hashtags on Twitter:
You can use hashtags anywhere in your Tweets. Use them at the start for emphasis, at the end for context, or in the middle of your post to highlight a keyword. Hashtags can also be added in a comment when you Retweet, in replies and in your Twitter bio.
You can also:
Type a hashtagged keyword into Twitter’s search bar to find hashtagged content.
See trending hashtags in Twitter’s trending topics.
Essential hashtag tips to keep in mind:
- Use trending hashtags to get your tweets more exposure.
- Give people a reason to use your hashtag. Center it around events, themes, holidays to gain virility.
- Partner with influencers to help you gain exposure and visibility for your hashtag.
- Keep hashtags to a minimum. 2-3 do the trick.
- Don’t neglect to educate your audience on how and why to use your hashtag.
Lastly, as you keep all these tips in mind don’t forget to double-check your spelling. The last thing you want is to launch a campaign post with a misspelled hashtag. That will make your tweet undiscoverable.
How to use Facebook hashtags
Optimal number of hashtags to use: 1-2
Keep hashtags to two at most and make sure they are directly related to your content.
Where to use hashtags on Facebook:
Hashtags can be included in any part of your written Facebook post or in the comments. However, I recommend using a hashtag on Facebook at the beginning of a written post. Hashtags are bolded on mobile and gain more visibility. Hashtags are used in grouping content in private Facebook groups by theme or topic. Keep this in mind as Facebook starts to shift to a more private experience.
You can also:
Search for a hashtag using Facebook’s search bar.
Click on a hashtag to see a feed of Facebook posts using that same hashtag.
Search hashtags used in private Facebook groups using the “search this group” bar under the group’s menu.
Facebook is tracking those hashtags people are using, so a feed is always available even if you’ve not previously used the tag in a Facebook status update of your own. Simply type the tag of your choice, such as #cats, and click the page labeled Hashtag. This will open the same feed of related posts as you would get if you clicked on a hashtag in a post.
Keep in mind that many users’ profiles are private on Facebook, that makes it challenging for tracking hashtag use. Continue to monitor your brand’s hashtags through public profiles to see who is joining in the conversation by typing the keyword at the end of this URL facebook.com/hashtag/_____.
A couple essential Facebook hashtag tips:
- Here are some tips for successful Facebook hashtagging.
- Keep hashtags to a minimum. Use no more than three if necessary.
- Placing your hashtags at the beginning of the post caption helps visibility and draws attention to your post as hashtags are bolded on mobile and desktop.
- Use them as a way to create conversations. For instance, #shemeansbusiness is a powerful hashtag that stirs up a conversation.
- Use industry-specific hashtags or use popular internet traditions such as #flashbackfriday to grow your reach.
- Don’t be afraid to use branded hashtags to increase your visibility. Either use your own brand-specific hashtags or ride the coattails of the most popular branded phrases.
How to use Instagram hashtags
Optimal number of hashtags to use: 10-30
When a social media platform allows you to use a certain number of hashtags then use all the allotment. Use all 30 hashtags allotted to instagram reels, posts, and IGTV. Instagram stories allow you to use up to 10 hashtags.
Where you’ll find hashtags on Instagram:
You’ll find hashtags either included in an instagram caption or comment. However when you use hashtags in comments they only index on your own account. If you leave hashtags in comments on other profiles than your own they will not serve its purpose.
It’s also possible to include hashtags in your Instagram profile bio, but it’s not the best practice,
You can also:
Search hashtags in the Tags tab of Instagram’s Explore section.
Follow hashtags. That means content from any creator will show in your feed, as long as it includes the hashtag you’re following.
Instagram hashtag tips to keep in mind:
Post your hashtags as the post’s first comment so followers can focus on the great caption you’ve written. Research shows that posting your hashtags as your first comment has the same impact as when you include in your caption.
Use your business account to gain insight to the best performing hashtags you use. Your business account will give you a view at how many impressions your profile got from hashtags.
Likewise these insights also share how many people saw your post because of your hashtags.
Unlike Facebook, hashtags on Instagram serve a much greater purpose. Hashtags are used for cataloging or indexing images. Instagram allows users the use of up to 30 hashtags. Without the use of hashtags, your post and account are simply undiscoverable. Check out the Instagram Hashtag Guide and level up your hashtag game on Instagram. Want to learn more about Instagram follow me on Insta and join in on GRAMP CAMP. #GRAMCAMP is a series of high-level Instagram marketing tips to help you grow your visibility and influence on the gram!
How to use hashtags on Pinterest
Optimal number of hashtags to use: 5
Although, I suggest using up to five hashtags, Pinterest allows 20 in a Pin description.
Where to use hashtags on Pinterest:
When using Pinterest for business, include Pinterest hashtags when writing a Pin description or in a written description when Repinning.
Some essential Pinterest hashtag tips:
Pinterest is commonly referred to as a search engine. Therefore, use hashtags that are searchable, specific, and contain relevant keywords.
When using Pinterest on mobile, Pinterest will offer hashtag suggestions when creating a new Pin.
First, they allowed and encouraged hashtags. Next, there was a period where Pinterest called them irrelevant. So we didn’t use them. Now, more than ever, hashtags are incredibly important in the virility of pins. For now, hashtags on Pinterest is a fairly new feature. Add 3 or more specific and niche tags to each pin.
Use hashtags with two or three words to make them easier to find. For instance, if my keyword search I type Pinterest marketing tips you may consider adding #pinterestmarketingtips #pinterestforbusiness. Be specific, unlike Twitter, if you have a fashion blog and you pinned a post on spring use #springfashion. Despite the virility of hashtags such as #Jesustakethewheel on Twitter, they just don’t work on Pinterest.
How to use LinkedIn hashtags
Optimal number of hashtags to use: 2-3
Keep the use of hashtags professional
Where to find hashtags on LinkedIn:
Weave hashtags anywhere into your written LinkedIn post or article.
You can also:
- Search hashtags using the platform’s search bar.
- Follow hashtags to keep in the know on trending topics or your interests.
- See trending LinkedIn hashtags will show in the “news and views” section on the home page.
- Linkedin provides hashtag suggestions as you write an update.
Essential LinkedIn hashtag tips:
Although hashtags are incredibly new in the LinkedIn world! Keep these related to your business, or business topic again this is not Twitter. Keep your hashtags general but industry-related. Don’t seem spammy by hashtagging every word in a sentence. Likewise, use capitalization as needed to create emphasis.
For example, when using the hashtag for the phrase just do it you may opt for #JustDoIt. Use popular hashtags but keep hashtags to a minimum. This feature is fairly new therefore try to keep hashtags to a select few to avoid people ignoring your posts and considering them spam.
Not all hashtags on social media are created equal.
The way hashtags on social media are used on one platform doesn’t translate into other social platforms. It’s yet another reason why I strongly advise everyone from cross-posting content to all platforms. Each post and hashtag needs to be in the social platform’s native language.
It is important to remember, however, that this system is a simple form of organization, and can often run amok. For instance, I can say #thingsididwheniwassevenonmybike, but how often will I ever use that hashtag? If the answer is never, it’s probably not a great hashtag to use. To find out if a hashtag is trending there are a couple of websites worth checking out: www.hashtags.org and hashtagify.me.
After your post is up, you can click on your new tag to see who else is using that same phrase and what they are saying. For instance, clicking on #Hashtag brought up a separate feed from my News Feed with a list of people’s posts; some of whom we know and others we do not. Within this same feed, you can click on your Status bar to have that same hashtag automatically added to an update.
If you’re not already, it’s time to start using hashtags on social media posts. Even though they first gained popularity in 2007, they’re even more useful today for your brand!
Are you using hashtags on social media platforms? How are they helping to make your content diffuse faster?