MRR: The Biggest Scam of the Digital Marketing Industry

MRR: The Biggest Scam of the Digital Marketing Industry


I’m sure you’ve heard all the rage on MRR, RR, and PLR products as being some kind of gold mine that will make you rich quickly. We’re all trying to grow our businesses and side hustles online these days, so anything promised to boost profits with little work sounds pretty appealing. That’s exactly why these types of “license” models have gotten so popular.

But the more I looked into them, the more skeptical I became. At first, they’re presented as a no-brainer for passive income and rapid growth. These courses such as Digital Wealth Academy (DWA), and The Roadmap to name a few are being touted as the holy grail for your rich girl era level up.

But when you dig deeper, it starts to feel like something fishy is going on. Customers are apparently getting ripped off, and even entrepreneurs selling this stuff might be taken for a ride. Under all the fancy marketing lies describing easy money, I think there could be some major manipulation happening. After some research and getting my hands on these courses, I’m now convinced that specifically The Roadmap, Digital Wealth Academy, Simply Passive, and Passive Profit Millionaire MRR, RR, and PLR might just be the biggest scams in the online biz.

What is MRR/RR/PLR?

MRR, or Master Resell Rights, is a type of license that allows you to resell a product and pass on the resell rights to your customers. RR, or Resell Rights, is another type of license that grants you the right to resell a product, but it does not allow your customers to resell it. With PLR, you not only have the right to resell the product, but you can also modify it and put your name on it as the creator.

Misleading Products

Products like The Roadmap, Digital Wealth Academy, and Simply Passive exemplify a concerning trend within the digital marketing sphere, where promises of overnight success and effortless wealth generation are peddled without substantive backing or genuine expertise. Created using AI algorithms rather than genuine insights or experience, these products lack the essential human touch required for authentic engagement and effective guidance. Moreover, their creators often lack real credentials or experience in the fields they claim to specialize in, casting doubt on the credibility of their offerings.

While packaged as comprehensive guides to financial prosperity and online success, these products ultimately serve as little more than elaborate scams, exploiting the aspirations and vulnerabilities of unsuspecting consumers who seek legitimate opportunities for growth and advancement in the digital age.

The Scams: The Roadmap, Digital Wealth Academy, Simply Passive, and others

Products like The Roadmap, Digital Wealth Academy, Simply Passive, and Passive Profit Millionaire employ tactics reminiscent of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) in their recruitment and sales strategies with a twist. Drawing from MLM, these products emphasize not only the potential for individual profit but also the allure of building passive income streams and expanding one’s network.

However, they cleverly distance themselves from the traditional MLM model by asserting that participants retain 100% of the profits while negating the pyramid scheme connotations associated with MLM structures. This subtle shift allows them to evade accusations of being a traditional MLM scam, instead positioning themselves as legitimate avenues for personal enrichment. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms of recruitment, reliance on network expansion, and the promise of exponential returns bear striking resemblance to MLM practices, masking a similarly exploitative nature beneath the guise of entrepreneurial empowerment.

While these products may not conform to the conventional MLM structure, they undeniably function as MLM in a new format. Participants initially purchase the course or product, only to become unwitting members of the creator’s community. They are then encouraged to resell the same product to others, perpetuating a cycle of recruitment reminiscent of traditional MLM schemes.

MRR scam

Crucially, the individuals to whom they sell the product become integrated into the creator’s community as well, thereby expanding the network and reinforcing the creator’s audience base. Meanwhile, the creator benefits from this system by continuously building a loyal audience primed to purchase each new MRR/RR/PLR release, effectively capitalizing on the efforts of resellers to drive sales and foster a self-perpetuating ecosystem. This model not only mirrors the fundamental principles of MLM but also underscores the creator’s overarching objective of leveraging the collective efforts of resellers to fuel their business growth and profitability.

Illegitimate Training Calls

When purchasing MRR/RR/PLR products, buyers are often enticed with promises of exclusive access to a purportedly elite community and specialized “training” calls. This allure of secrecy and exclusivity taps into individuals’ desires for insider knowledge and personalized guidance, fostering a sense of belonging and importance within the community. However, behind the facade of exclusivity lies a thinly veiled strategy to perpetuate the sales cycle and maintain buyer engagement. These so-called training calls often serve as platforms for the creator to give generic advice and regurgitate information readily available elsewhere, packaged as exclusive insights.

Moreover, the community, while touted as a forum for collaboration and support, primarily functions as a vehicle for reinforcing the creator’s authority and promoting further product sales. Ultimately, the promise of private, exclusive access to the community and training calls serves as a clever marketing ploy, designed to maintain buyer loyalty and perpetuate the profitability of the MRR/RR/PLR enterprise.

Check for Credentials

Many resellers attracted to MRR/RR/PLR products often lack formal digital marketing training or expertise, relying instead on the allure of quick profits and easy success. However, for individuals considering purchasing these products for use in their business or resell, it is imperative to exercise caution and diligence. Before investing in any MRR/RR/PLR offerings, it is crucial to thoroughly vet the creator behind the product. Ensure that the creator possesses credible credentials, demonstrates social proof, and boasts substantial experience in the field of digital marketing.

Look for evidence of their expertise, such as successful past ventures, industry recognition, or testimonials from satisfied clients. By conducting due diligence and prioritizing authenticity and expertise, buyers can mitigate the risks associated with MRR/RR/PLR products and make informed decisions that align with their business goals and values.

MRR: The Biggest Scam of the Digital Marketing Industry

Real MRR/RR/PLR Products

MRR/RR/PLR products rooted in real-world experiences and results, crafted by creators with established experience and credentials, represent the best of ethical digital marketing practices. These offerings stand out amidst a sea of generic AI-generated material by their authenticity and substance. Creators who draw from their own experiences and expertise not only deliver valuable insights but also imbue their products with a sense of integrity and trustworthiness.

By purchasing from these reputable creators, buyers safeguard themselves from the pitfalls of generic, AI-generated content, ensuring that they receive actionable strategies and genuine insights tailored to real-world challenges and opportunities.

Furthermore, supporting creators with proven credentials fosters a culture of ethical entrepreneurship and elevates the standards of the digital marketing industry, ultimately promoting mutual trust and long-term success for both creators and consumers alike.


While MRR/RR/PLR products present enticing opportunities for businesses seeking to optimize their digital marketing strategies, it is imperative to navigate this landscape with caution and discernment. Products like The Roadmap, Digital Wealth Academy, Simply Passive, and Passive Profit Millionaire, UBC, Selling With Threads, and so many others highlight the inherent risks associated with ventures that prioritize profit over genuine value and expertise.

By critically evaluating the credentials, experience, and authenticity of creators, buyers can protect themselves from falling victim to scams and generic AI-generated material.

Opting for products rooted in real-world experiences and crafted by reputable creators not only ensures access to actionable insights and ethical practices but also contributes to the elevation of industry standards.

Through informed decision-making and a commitment to supporting genuine expertise, businesses can navigate the complexities of digital marketing with confidence and integrity, ultimately fostering sustainable growth and success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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