Pinterest Communities: Ultimate Guide To Pinterest’s New Feature

Pinterest Communities: Ultimate Guide To Pinterest’s New Feature


What are Pinterest Communities

Pinterest Communities will blow your mind.  This is the only no fluff ultimate guide to Pinterest Communities.


Pinterest Communities was announced earlier this year and finally released and I give you access to them!  The folks at Pinterest are getting social.  

Until now, Pinterest has been a search engine. It’s the only social platform that has never been social.  Pinterest Communities takes the social aspect of what was solely a visual marketing platform to the next level.  Although, the feature is in early testing with a handful of pinners. They have officially released the Beta version and users are jumping on board to eagerly learn how to use communities.

Pinterest Communities vision is to enable more Pinners to connect with each other around a shared interest.  They are focused on organic interactions and non-self-promotional posts. With that said, communities will serve as a way to connect to others by sharing content they are looking for.  Go ahead and ask your community about any topic and they will flood you with answers. You’ll no longer have to spend countless hours going through pins to find your answer. Communities do it for you!


What Are Pinterest Communities And How Do I Join Them

Pinterest Communities are if Google and Facebook Groups had a baby.  You get the SEO capability and the socializing of a real social platform.  Communities are a great way to connect with others on Pinterest. Go beyond following those you follow or who follow you in a more personal way than just pinning their stuff, or trying to direct message them.  

The best advantage of Pinterest Communities is you have another way to market your business or blog on Pinterest.

At the moment the best way to activate the community tab on your Pinterest account is through joining a community first.  I’ll give you access through any of my communities. There is no limit on how many communities you join. There is, however, a limit in the number of communities you can create.  At the moment you can only create five communities as users are experiencing disappearing acts of communities created over five.

Here are my communities feel free to choose whichever you’d like to join or join all of them. By the way, you can only activate Communities through joining any of these communities on mobile, if you attempt to do this through desktop they will reroute you to the Pinterest homepage.

Pinterest Communities To Join Now


Pinterest Marketing Community – A community dedicated to Pinterest marketing techniques, strategy, hacks, and education

Social Media Marketing Community –  A community dedicated to marketing your business through social media platforms.  Sharing marketing techniques, strategy, hacks, and education to create awareness, drive sales, and increase ROI using social media.  Share pins about all the platforms and their use.

Marketing Community –  A community dedicated to Marketing techniques, strategy, hacks, and education for those in marketing or those forced to do their own marketing

Business Blogger Community –  A community dedicated to Business Bloggers to share techniques, strategy, hacks, and education on growing and sustaining a profitable blog.

Keto Connect Community – A community of keto pinners finding the best keto recipes around


Once you Join you can create your own communities for others to join.  

When creating your community name keep in mind that no other communities can have that name.  Someone else may have taken the name. This has both advantages and disadvantages. First, you don’t have to worry about sifting through hundreds of blogging communities to find the one you like there is only one.  Second, community names should not be complex or words. Forget calling it your brand name if you are just starting out as a business or you don’t have a massive tribe who knows you by name yet.


How Do Pinterest Communities Work

Each community is niche-based which is why using topical keywords users are searching for works as community names.  Unlike Facebook Groups you don’t need a special invitation, answer questions or purchase anything to join. You can view the community before joining to see what is inside before you commit to becoming an official member.  Pinterest Communities allow you to truly gauge if the group is right for you.

What are Pinterest Communities


How To Access Community Tab

Once you have joined any of my groups above give it a few minutes when reloading or reopening the platform.  Your homepage at the very top right will now display the community tab.


How to create Pinterest Communities


Finally, after creating your community, make sure to sticky note.  Sticky notes allow you to post a welcome note, community guidelines, or your favorite pin to that community.


Pinterest Communities Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find official Pinterest information on Communities?

Pinterest Communities are in early beta testing for this new feature.  Therefore, you will not find much information regarding the feature other than this extensive guide.

How to create your own communities?

There is a “+” button in mobile or a “create community” button on the desktop on the communities tab.

Can anyone join any community?

Currently, yes as all communities are public.  Admins and moderators can remove or ban potential members or those that break community rules.

Do we have to invite people to communities that we create or will they be able to find us using a search option?

According to Pinterest, Communities search will be rolled out over the next weeks.  They are still testing the feature as its still in beta.

How many communities can I create?

Currently, there is no limit.  However, Pinterest will soon start enforcing the number of communities users can create.  Pinterest recommends only creating the number of communities you can reasonably grow and moderate.

How long before I can start inviting users to join after I create a new community?

Fortunately, it’s instant.  Go ahead and start inviting people to join your community right after creating it using the invite icon in the community header.

Is there a way of repinning from a community without having to click several times to open a Pin? Specifically when using Tailwinds.

There are two ways to share a pin to communities, either via closeup “share to community” button or by creating a post and tapping the “add pin” button.

What are the size dimensions for the communities cover photo?

Pinterest recommends images or pins at least 1440 pixels wide so they look best on both desktop and mobile.

Will there be a way to vet potential community members?

Currently, Pinterest is testing and learning from test groups ways to control and vet communities.  They are supporting pinners by finding ways to find the right Pinners for your communities so that the content stays useful and relevant to the community group.

Do you receive notifications when someone joins your groups?

At the moment, there is no notification when someone leaves or joins your communities.  However, when the community is smaller than 50 people everyone in the community will receive a new post notification.

Are pins in the communities searchable?

Pins shared in communities are not searchable.  In the description, you should share why you are sharing that pin to a particular community.   Be specific and mention exactly how people will benefit from the pin and create a discussion from it.

Are there plans to make communities private?

Pinterest is looking into it and confirms it’s part of their strategy.

Will pins in communities show up in the general feed?

Pinterest is working on a feed of posts for just communities you have joined.

How can I search for other communities?

It’s still fairly new and may not populate all communities.  However, the best way so far is typing a keyword in the search bar while in the communities tab.

How to share pins with communities directly?

Anyone in the communities is able to share pins with communities directly from the pin closeup.  Tapping on the communities icon on pin closeup should bring a list of communities you’re joined and can share too.  Then you can post to that community.

How will Pinterest manage communities that grow to large size and overburden admins controlling spam?

Pinterest allows community admins to promote other Pinners to moderators to help with removing content and/or members.

How to create a Pinterest Communities cover

Are You Ready To Jump In And Create Your Own Community?

Subsequently, make sure that you name your communities around topics of interest and major keywords.  You are able to create branded communities named after your business but you have the best chance of discoverability by using broad keywords.  For example, Keto Diet, Marketing, Knitting are all keywords that users are searching for. If you own the community named after that keyword then your chances of people joining and getting discovered are golden!

Remember that Pinterest is trying to create a social environment.  Communities are a place to ask questions and solicit answers in the form of pins from other Pinners.  Are you ready to start your own Community? Make sure to join one of mine to activate the community tab on your account.  

Pinterest Marketing Community

Social Media Marketing Community

Marketing Community

Business Blogger Community

Keto Connect Community

Don’t forget.  At the moment, to join a group they must be done through the mobile version of Pinterest.  Then and only then will the community tab populate. Once you do make sure to comment below and drop your Pinterest Community links in the comments so that I can follow and join you!  

As always with all new features remember to stay patient as Pinterest works out all the kinks.  Do you think Pinterest Communities are a Marketers next big thing?